Validating the interest of my solution

Regardless of the level of maturity (idea, concept, development…) or the nature of your innovation (product, technology, service, process…), you want to validate the fact that your innovation meets market expectations in order to ensure its adoption.

Starting point

Schneider’s goal was to measure the market interest of their solution in 3 markets: Italy, Spain and France.

Market test

In one month, we collected feedback from 144 professionals in the French, Spanish and Italian markets, then delivered these results in various intelligent formats: video report, segmentable online report, executive report…


Two particular parts of the value proposition were validated by the market.
Guided by UMI
Thanks to the UMI market test, we validated the relevance of our solution and understand what our real differentiation is for each market.

Roland Goutay

Innovation Accelerator

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