Prioritizing an innovation portfolio

You want to identify the projects which merit investing time and money. For this, you should streamline your arbitrations and optimize your resource allocation.

Starting point

Sanofi Pasteur wanted to objectively prioritize 5 candidate (innovation) projects based on the perceived value for healthcare professionals. Internally, each project had sponsors and critics.

Market test

In one month, we collected feedback from 206 professionals worldwide. We then created a scoring system with different criteria in order to prioritize the 5 projects objectively. The results were presented in different intelligent formats: video synthesis, segmentable web synthesis, decisional synthesis…


2 of the 5 projects touch on a pain point that is proven, critical and as of today, unresolved.
Guided by UMI
Our decision making on what to do with the projects was very rational, because it was based on actual market interest, and not just on retrospective analyses or on intuition.

Michael Attlan

Innovation Accelerator

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